Saturday, September 25, 2010


CABO READY in 30 Days!

30 minutes EVERYDAY for 30 days to give your body a greak kick-start towards your event, whether it's a vacation, birthday, little black dress event, ANYTHING!

I'm going to Cabo, Mexico on Oct 28th, for one of my dearest friend's wedding: Karina Contreras (soon to be Charkow). I've been working out and eating right, following WeightWatchers and doing moderate exercises for the last nine months or so and total I've lost about 11 lbs. Over the last 3 years of starting/stopping/starting diets and workout regiments, I've lost a total of 19lbs. Thank you Carol Nakamura for introducing WW to the GG's!!! I feel good, I believe I know how to make good Eating choices, but I'd like to really focus on my exercise. So I've created a challenge for myself and have invited others to join. My plan is to do 30 minutes of SOMETHING, EVERYDAY, for 30 days. It can be 30 minutes of running, jogging, walking, aerobics, dancing, toning, boxing, swimming, etc... I know that some people have time to work out a few days a week, possibly 1 hour at a time. I personally no longer have that luxury. So I think 30 minutes EVERYDAY is more reasonable because worst case scenario is I do some sort of movement in the bedroom for 30 minutes.. HHAHAHHHA I guess that can't be the WORST CASE SCENARIO! (And for all you nasty minds... How do you know I didn't mean P90X Ab Ripper via DVD in the bedroom)???

I want to make sure everyone understands that this isn't 30lbs in 30 days... This is not meant for you to do with the delusion of dropping an unrealistic amount of weight in 30 days. If you lose 5 lbs during these next 30 days, that is a GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! But not the goal. My goal is to be leaner and muscle weighs more than fat... but I know when my jeans fit like a glove... I'm happy!

I will be updating my BLOG every day planning the next days' events. I may have some additional updates throughout the day. You never know how the weather or my schedule will impact my plans for the day. I've also asked my sister, Jeanne Floresca , to help me by creating several different 30 minute workouts that you can alternate during these next 30 days.

One of my bestie's Van Nguyen suggested I incorporate food as well. I'll try my best. Just remember this... for the next 30 days, MAKE GOOD DECISIONS!!! Avoid deep fried foods, too many sweets and un-natural sugars, eat smaller portions but often throughout the day (6-7 small meals), avoid carbs after 6pm or eating anything after 7/8pm. Depending on when you go to sleep you should avoid eating 2 hours before bedtime. MOVE DAILY and BE ACTIVE!!!

This is all for now, but stay tuned for an update this evening for tomorrow's plan.

30 Minutes of Moving: Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure 5K

Good Luck and feel free to share any of your tips/tricks to a fitter YOU!!!!

I want to shout out to everyone who is interested in the challenge! I hope you guys stay with me during the next 30 days... I'll need the support!

Tricia Pacleb Reyes, Marnie Carter, Jennifer Joy Punla, Sarah Eisler, Kathy Villanueva, Tiffany Hoang, Maricela Adkins, Jamie Newby, Gloria Alonzo Stinson, Nicole Wakefield, Michelle Calabio, Letty Veliz (woot woot Cabo here we come), Tammy Nguyen, Kate Williams, Shell Kumar, Dorsey Eric Ford, Jeanne Floresca

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